Join the community

PlayCreateGreen is a community of industry professionals who’ve joined together to create a greener game industry.

Joining PlayCreateGreen as a Guardian, Champion, Friend or Fan means paying a yearly fee as showcased below. Joining as Ambassador means that you are donating your time and energy to develop PlayCreateGreen into a truly useful organisation.



Yearly support 5000 DKK

Logo on the website


Yearly support 15.000 DKK

Logo and mentions on the website 


Yearly support 25.000 DKK

Prominent logo and mentions on the website and in all communications

Featured article on PlayCreateGreen

One mention on social media and press outreach


Yearly support 50.000 DKK

Prominent logo and mentions on the website and in all communications

Featured article on PlayCreateGreen

Guest presentations on site/ online

Minimum two mentions on social media and press outreach

Lend us your email and we will tell you more and invite you to our glorious community, where we gather to share and learn from each other.

By submitting your information you agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of PlayCreateGreen. We will never share your information with third parties.
Is your company a member of Play Create Green?
How would you rate environmental issues for you and your company?
(Scale 1-5, 1=not so important, 5 very important)
What would you need to develop to improve environmental management at your company?
Please share details about your initiative

How Can We Reach You?

We would love to chat with you. How can we get in touch?
Your Name(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)
May we contact you?
(Only for PCG purposes, no marketing)

Am I the right profile?

You don’t need anything more than an ambition to do better. You can be far ahead or far behind, everyone has something to share and something to learn.You can be CEO, programmer, designer, communication professional or HR. Your role doesn’t matter. There’s something for everyone wanting a greener future.

The community is for professionals who want to:

  • Learn and find tools to make your game company greener
  • Contribute with knowledge, expertise and experience with others
  • Follow industry news on the fight for a greener industry